
Hi! I'm Emily. I'm a native Atlantan who loves to explore ways to live life artfully. 

Over the past few years, I've collected an immense amount of knowledge and expertise on the topic of living life creatively, and I thought - what better place to start sharing all I've discovered than on a new blog! 

Its my hope that what I am able to share will help others navigate this tricky thing called life with more agility, and perhaps even open up a realm of possibilities that may not have been so obvious before, making the way just a little bit easier!

Here's a brief list of topics I cover:
  • All things marketing - including how to monetize your content and free marketing tools, tips, and tricks.
  • Creative cost savings tips - for those of us who like to live LEAN financially, which helps us maximize our ability to spend on things we love in life. We tend to put our money where our real values are. 
  • Unique recipes - mostly ethnic and fusion recipes that are also farm-to-table fresh! I shop weekly at my local organic farmer's market. Oh, and I never cook anything twice!
  • Health and wellness - the only thing we actually own in life is our health. Without it, we have nothing. I want to inspire people to care more about their health so they can live long, healthy and fruitful lives. I am all about the preventative approach!
  • Cultural moments - I love exploring different cultures, ways of thinking, art, poetry. We live in a prism of beautiful differences and there are endless places to explore. Did you know there is a whole "untouched" population living on an Island in the Indian Ocean? Yep! They've rejected all attempts to make contact. In 2015 - an untouched people. That's fascinating!
  • Design and decor - I love, love, love designing and decorating. I'm looking forward to doing some much-needed home projects in the style of "modern tropical" myself in the near future. 
  • Documentaries I love - I am a documentary junkie. Here, I'll share the most touching and awe-inspiring - the best of the best! 
  • Social causes - I care deeply about global human rights, especially women's rights. I am very burdened by some of the very complicated questions around women's roles in societies throughout history, and yes, I have studied history, Islam and all that this topic entails voraciously so I do not present blind-sighted opinions. I try to see these issues from many different perspectives and extract the common denominators. So here, I'll be touching on issues that relate to women and women's empowerment from a global perspective. 
  • Fashion and fashion discounts and promotions One question: what girl doesn't love fashion? I'm pretty crafty when it comes to shopping with deep coupons and discounts, so check back for promo codes, deals, and more I'll be sharing!
  • Life lessons - As a woman grows older and wiser, she also grows more subtle, yet definite, which I think is the true genius in women's nature. I like to think I've learned a little something about life through all of my years here on earth, so I'll be sharing a few nuggets of wisdom and advice here and there. 
  • Organization and productivity - I've given a lot of thought to reaching peak performance in life and in work. Here, I'll share what I've found on topics like digital organization and media management, fast searches and paperless offices.
  • Business philosophy - I am a Capitalist, my friends, and I love 'doing the business.' Not only is this blog about every day creative living, its about bringing creativity to our work world as well! As we move from the "Information Age" to the "Wisdom Age," there are ever-more increasing ways to incorporate creativity into our work.
  • Everyday musings and ramblings - just things I come up with that I think will add value somehow! 
... and much, much more!

I hope you'll check back often for updates!

Blue Skies,

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