Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Strategic Foresight for Glassware

My strategic guidance for Google Glass application developers based on Forrester's latest research:

  • Early adopters will be hands-free professionals: real estate, healthcare, government, military.
  • Second wave will be creative professionals and thought leaders. 
  • General consumers will likely not be adopters for sometime outside of tethered iPhones for use with maps, photos, and videos. 
  • iWatch and non-face positioned wearables are considered more acceptable and would be first wave on consumer side, though many unknowns in this area: iWatch launch date, Warby Parker rumored to be working with Google Glass, etc.. 
General Consumer Tolerance to Wearables by Position

Early Adopters are Young Tech Optimist with Significant Social Footprints

Google is Busy Tuning the Culture With Cool

Glass Has No Facial Recognition, is Not to Augmented Reality in Current State

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