Sunday, April 28, 2013

I Don't Type

Anyone who knows me knows that I hate typing. I abhor it actually. In our technologically advanced era, what can possibly be more time-wasting then sitting at a computer plucking away at keys - one by one - for the simple sake of communicating a message? Why type when we have dictation and word transcription tools, something called "the phone" more people should learn how to use, and one day, (I cannot wait!) commercial use of brain-computer interface. We even have Voxer for those who insist on texting while driving - let's move on! Let's drop the typing. I am.

I've figured out a way to reduce all that painstaking manual finger labor by automating my blogging for my real estate business. Hey, and while you are here, why don't you pop over and check it out: Modern Living Atlanta.

So how do I avoid writing a single blog post for real estate while bumping myself way up in SEO you might be asking? I use Yep, IFTTT. It stands for "if this, then that." So if some event happens on the internet, then you can tell it to "do something." Here's some examples:
  • When I star an email in Gmail, copy it to Evernote.
  • When a Facebook profile picture changes, change it on Twitter. 
  • Upload new National Geographic hi-res wallpapers to DropBox.
Its like a programmable personal assistant. Only free - and one of the most powerful tools I've ever come across.

So here's how I've set it up: I subscribe to several RSS feeds from real estate sources like INMAN news and Curbed Atlanta. I then setup recipes on IFTTT to automatically feed content to my Tumblr blog (found on my website). When new posts hit my Tumblr blog, I've also set IFTTT up to propagate to my Wordpress site,  Facebook site, Blogger site, etc... so essentially, I aggregate all kinds of local real estate market information, enrich the metadata by adding my name, my company name, keywords, etc.. and then I blast my name and company name across the entire Internet on a continual basis, generating fresh content daily, and bumping myself up in the SEO rankings - and here's the genius part: all without doing a lick of typing.

Hey - but I do read it!

Nice huh? Wait till you see how I'm eliminating typing altogether by snapping a picture of business cards which auto-transcribe and upload to my CRM (client relationship management database). My goal is to eliminate typing forever. More tips and tricks to come! Stay tuned.

Until then, get creative. Stop typing. Find better ways.

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