Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Strategic Foresight for Glassware

My strategic guidance for Google Glass application developers based on Forrester's latest research:

  • Early adopters will be hands-free professionals: real estate, healthcare, government, military.
  • Second wave will be creative professionals and thought leaders. 
  • General consumers will likely not be adopters for sometime outside of tethered iPhones for use with maps, photos, and videos. 
  • iWatch and non-face positioned wearables are considered more acceptable and would be first wave on consumer side, though many unknowns in this area: iWatch launch date, Warby Parker rumored to be working with Google Glass, etc.. 
General Consumer Tolerance to Wearables by Position

Early Adopters are Young Tech Optimist with Significant Social Footprints

Google is Busy Tuning the Culture With Cool

Glass Has No Facial Recognition, is Not to Augmented Reality in Current State

Sunday, June 23, 2013

Possible Futures: Digital Cremation

Social media will evolve into the "Tree of Life," the humanities of personal learning networks, where we will be able to access and experience whole life stories, events as they happened, bodies of work, creative artifacts, and legacy... primarily in an open neural net and secondarily, in a private lineage.

Digital assets will be an end of life matter to contend with and rights to a restricted lineage - where the uncut version of one's story lives - will be willable. Digital will become a recognized part of the estate with secure, embedded programable options for distribution. The richness, quality, and uniqueness of one's life will determine its potential as a monetized annuity. Digital cremation and destruction of legacy will also be an option.

We will be able to leave our legacy directly to those our lives had messages and meaning for. 

Our life memories, lessons, personal learning systems (passions, interest, collected wisdom), artifacts, and stories will be searchable, experienace-able, and tradable where allowed.

We will be able to donate our digital lives to science or for public good. Our experiences will be a part of rehabilitation programs and philanthropic initiatives, offering the authority of personal experience and relatedness as comfort and inspiration to those struggling to overcome similar trials in life, i.e. illness, career crises, addiction, family dysfunction... Transparency quickens transformation as its revealed that life struggles are not unique, problems are surmountable, and innovative solutions exist. Long after we are gone, we may still continue to contribute in unique ways to the intelligence back of personal learning networks as "digital angels." The "self-help" industry will transform, no longer a 1-way dispensary of sage advice, books, and lectures, but will evolve as a democratized, interactive, coaching/learning network, rich with humanity and sharable, relatable life experience.

We will be able to find answers to questions like, "did my great grandmother go through this when she was my age? Who did? What was she like? Can I see what she experienced, what she went through? Can I skip through her life and see how the dots connected, how it worked out in hindsight? Can I study hindsight through others life experience and extract patterns? What was her life's meta narrative, i.e., what was the whole meaning of her life?"

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Seeking: Community Manager Role, Wearable Technology

You can't connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future... Because believing that the dots will connect down the road will give you the confidence to follow your heart even when it leads you off the well worn path; and that will make all the difference.
- Steve Jobs

Video Presume

Interactive Presume

Friday, June 21, 2013

Wearable Technology Webinar


Date: June 25, 2013 Time: 10:00-11:AM CST

With Forrester's latest research.

Sign up here.

The Future of Cube Life

Hear that? Oh man, it sounds like squeaky wheels again. Great, here comes Ava. Act like you're doing work. 

Cisco and iRobot recently announced their collaboration on the autonomous Ava 500 telepresence robot for business, set to be released in 2014. The firms hope the Ava 500 will allow business people to attend daily meetings in person, across the planet - without ever changing a plane or time zone, for a cool $70,000.

Yeah, it makes the $2,500.00 price tag for the iPad telepresence robot by Double Robotics a lot more appealing, don't you think?

Oh Ava, you are so awkward. Get some holographic projection and a more sophisticated design. And do something with that wobble.

Johnathan Strickland Job Ransom Note

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

The New Path to the C-Suite

"We are trailblazing a whole new career path: from the mind wide-open world of social media and PR where accelerated learning is unlimited, to growing alongside enterprises as social busts through silos, and evolving upwards through integrated thinking and transformational leadership - to strategy roles in the C-suite: providing trendwatching, analysis, social research, and input to strategic conversations, guiding brands in strategic ways,  innovating and timing delivery for products and services with the cultural in ways that significantly impact the bottom line.

We have moved past ladders and are rising through lattices."

- The Maryrose and Emily Conversations, coming soon to video.

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Social Games to Play With Mobile Developers

Social UAT Over Drinks
  • Social event: drinks at a networking event, social event, or a bar/pub. 
  • Developers bring mobile apps to test with public. What better way to meet new people, get valuable feedback, and promote your product all at the same time!
  • Users rate the app based on quality, functionality, style. 
  • A little healthy competition: winner gets their tab paid for and a prize! 
Burning Issues Whiteboard Jam Sesh
  • Developers throw down! Let's do this thing! 
  • Developers selected who have "burning issues" - the coding issue that will not go away! Crikey!
  • First, they share their feels. Get it out brother! Everyone empathizes. Awe. 
  • Then the developer hits the whiteboard to model the problem visually for everyone and petition for help. Its okay, its safe here. 
  • The community steps up one by one to add insight and help solve the problem on the white board with them. 
  • Community problem solving over drinks! Everyone learns. Every is heard. Its like group therapy. Sharing and caring. 
Code Gauntlet (like a Pitch Burn but less serious)
  • Only for the bravest developers! 
  • 2-3 developers are pre-selected for "code burns." Aweyeah.  
  • Single developer presents their app to a panel of experts in design, development, and optimization and receives a 360-degree feedback review from coding sharks. Nom. Nom. 
  • Truth in coding: honest feedback delivered in a loving and insightful way - all over drinks to take the edge off and make it fun!
  • Everyone else: social hackfest, learning, watching and giggling at the entertainment. 
Business Partner Matchmaking
  • Team up with Social Media mavens to cross-pollinate ideas for fusion sesh! 
  • Icebreaker: Everyone goes around the room and shares what excites them in mobile/social... share the passion. Raise the energy. 
  • Panel shares WWDC conference experience, discusses issues/findings, future of a particular space/niche, cross pollinate ideas from industry events in space. Panel fireside chat. 
  • The floor is open to Q&A. 
  • Breakout for small group discussion: new opportunities on the horizon/natural brainstorming flow…  Who shares someone's same vision? Is this the one thing that excites someone else? Facilitate connections. 
  • Breakout to hackfest groups over food and drinks.
  • Partner up or mix and mingle with someone who shared your same passion/vision/issue.. show and tell each other's current work. Collaborate with someone in a different space to explore integrated opportunities. Easy progression to close - allow no-pressure "business partner matchmaking" magic to happen.
Hack Accelerator
  • Freestyle hack, social, and drinks.
  • Fast hack: 30 minutes of full engagement. 
  • Accelerated round robin: Each person presents a problem they found and how they solved it in 2 minutes or less.
  • Pick "Best Lesson Learned"
  • Repeat fast hack and accelerated roundtable (time X)
  • Freestyle hack, social, and drinks. 
  • Best lessons learned wins prizes! 

Pintrest: Wearable Technology Couture

My inspiration for wearable technology designers: Pintrest Board

Arabe Flamanco | The Perfect Fusion

Pintrest: Colorful Abundance

For remembering what abundance feels like, a new Pintrest Board: