Sunday, June 16, 2013

Social Games to Play With Mobile Developers

Social UAT Over Drinks
  • Social event: drinks at a networking event, social event, or a bar/pub. 
  • Developers bring mobile apps to test with public. What better way to meet new people, get valuable feedback, and promote your product all at the same time!
  • Users rate the app based on quality, functionality, style. 
  • A little healthy competition: winner gets their tab paid for and a prize! 
Burning Issues Whiteboard Jam Sesh
  • Developers throw down! Let's do this thing! 
  • Developers selected who have "burning issues" - the coding issue that will not go away! Crikey!
  • First, they share their feels. Get it out brother! Everyone empathizes. Awe. 
  • Then the developer hits the whiteboard to model the problem visually for everyone and petition for help. Its okay, its safe here. 
  • The community steps up one by one to add insight and help solve the problem on the white board with them. 
  • Community problem solving over drinks! Everyone learns. Every is heard. Its like group therapy. Sharing and caring. 
Code Gauntlet (like a Pitch Burn but less serious)
  • Only for the bravest developers! 
  • 2-3 developers are pre-selected for "code burns." Aweyeah.  
  • Single developer presents their app to a panel of experts in design, development, and optimization and receives a 360-degree feedback review from coding sharks. Nom. Nom. 
  • Truth in coding: honest feedback delivered in a loving and insightful way - all over drinks to take the edge off and make it fun!
  • Everyone else: social hackfest, learning, watching and giggling at the entertainment. 
Business Partner Matchmaking
  • Team up with Social Media mavens to cross-pollinate ideas for fusion sesh! 
  • Icebreaker: Everyone goes around the room and shares what excites them in mobile/social... share the passion. Raise the energy. 
  • Panel shares WWDC conference experience, discusses issues/findings, future of a particular space/niche, cross pollinate ideas from industry events in space. Panel fireside chat. 
  • The floor is open to Q&A. 
  • Breakout for small group discussion: new opportunities on the horizon/natural brainstorming flow…  Who shares someone's same vision? Is this the one thing that excites someone else? Facilitate connections. 
  • Breakout to hackfest groups over food and drinks.
  • Partner up or mix and mingle with someone who shared your same passion/vision/issue.. show and tell each other's current work. Collaborate with someone in a different space to explore integrated opportunities. Easy progression to close - allow no-pressure "business partner matchmaking" magic to happen.
Hack Accelerator
  • Freestyle hack, social, and drinks.
  • Fast hack: 30 minutes of full engagement. 
  • Accelerated round robin: Each person presents a problem they found and how they solved it in 2 minutes or less.
  • Pick "Best Lesson Learned"
  • Repeat fast hack and accelerated roundtable (time X)
  • Freestyle hack, social, and drinks. 
  • Best lessons learned wins prizes! 

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