Friday, December 23, 2016

Christmas 2016 "Mostly Vegetarian" Tapas Menu

  • Moscow mule - vodka, ginger beer, and lime
  • Saffron gin & tonic - gin, tonic water, soda water, saffron, lemon and vanilla bean
  • Pear and brie salad - poached pears, bacon crumble, roasted beets, brie, pomegranate and cranberries with pralines on the side (for those with nut allergies) and balsamic vinaigrette
  • Tomato soup - garden fresh tomato soup blended with a light amount of red pepper, spinach, parmesan and eggs, served with side of toasted Italian bread
Vegetarian Tapas
  • Cauliflower steaks with chimichurri - thick slabs of roasted, caramelized cauliflower served with a side of chimichurri garlic-herb sauce
  • Roasted yam and kale salad - sweet yams, caramelized onions, garlic and kale with red wine vinegar and fresh thyme
  • Broccoli salad with creamy feta dressing - finely chopped raw broccoli tossed with cream dressing, chickpeas and sweet bell pepper
  • Roasted garlic and butternut squash cassoulet - caramelized onions, roasted garlic with butternut squash, cannellini beans and pancetta (Italian unsmoked bacon)

  • Hot coconut chocolate with marshmallows
  • “Bagels and Lox" on crackers - water crackers, thinly sliced smoked salmon, red onions, low-fat cream cheese, cucumbers and capers

I should have taken foodie pictures! Oh well, here's a cute gift design I did during this Christmas: 

Sunday, December 18, 2016

Here With Us

It's still a mystery to me 
That the hands of God could be so small, 
How tiny fingers reaching in the night 
Were the very hands that measured the sky 

Hallelujah, hallelujah 
Heaven's love reaching down to save the world 
Hallelujah, hallelujah 
Son of God, Servant King, 
You're here with us 
You're here with us 

It's still a mystery to me, oh, 
How His infant eyes have seen the dawn of time 
How His ears have heard an angel's symphony, 
But still Mary had to rock her Savior to sleep 

Hallelujah, hallelujah 
Heaven's love reaching down to save the world 
Hallelujah, hallelujah 
Son of God, Servant King 
Here with us 
You're here with us 

Jesus the Christ, born in Bethlehem 
A baby born to save, to save the souls of man 

Hallelujah, hallelujah 
Heaven's love reaching down to save the world 
Hallelujah, hallelujah 
Son of God, Servant King 
You're here with us 
You're here with us

Sunday, September 18, 2016

New Online Store!

I'm excited to announce the launch of my new online store! Only have a few items in place, but the design is set and I'm now able to process payments via credit card and Paypal. 
Check back as we begin stocking the virtual shelves! 

Friday, August 26, 2016

Odour of Sancity

They say when you realize a loved one has passed away, you can smell the scent of roses... the Odour of Sanctity, as Catholicism calls it. 

I think Rose Oud by Kilian perfectly captures this essence - a strikingly lovely rose made all the more enticing by darkness. In the opening, the rose is a delicate bud with a bit of green, but on the skin it opens like a fine wine - rich and luscious with deep, plumy sweetness. The Oud is definitely present but it doesn't feel like a separate entity; its as if the rose has been infused with Oud - it's stem has been placed in oil and it has translated the mysterious stuff through its petals, transforming itself into a rose of unusual moodiness and intrigue. The senses are teased with veils of smoke, traces of leather, hints of wood - passing shadows that make the luminous bloom glow more intensely by contrast. #kilianoud#kilian #roseoud

Monday, July 18, 2016

The Anima Christi

He died
to drive our dark

Come and take
our sin away...

Reflecting on the beauty of He who came to save us...

He saved us!

Completely Undeserved,

Tuesday, June 28, 2016

L'ombre dell'angelo - Inspirato 2014

Obsessed with this song! And yes, I love Yanni - I have ever since I was 12 years old! Perfecto!

Blue Skies,

Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Graphic Resume

Blue Skies,

Emily Baldwin Atlanta Marketing Top 10 Graphic Resume Graphic Resume Emily Baldwin - Atlanta-based Marketing Analyst, Marketing Specialist Emily Baldwin Atlanta-based Marketing Analyst, Information Designer, Creative, Graphic Designer Information Systems Specialist Top 10 Resumes Online Resume CV Emily Baldwin Atlanta, GA Atlanta, Georgia Marketing Analyst Information Designer Marketing Resume Online Marketing Marketing Analyst Digital Marketing Graphic Design Information Systems Marketing Assistant, Creative, Operations Manager, Marketing Manager, Personal Branding Marketing Manager Job Resume CV Center Manager Management Personal Branding Branding Best Practices Competencies Computer Skills Marketing Technology Design Technology Resume Download Marketing Degree Marketing Resume Examples Marketing Resume Examples 2016 E-marketing E-commerce Marketing Coordinator New Marketing Graduate Marketing Graduate Resume Sample Fresh Resume Marketing Infographic Resume Marketing Job Description Marketing Manager Resume Job Description Linkedin Liaison Must Haves MBA Marketing Experience Corporate Marketing New Media Media Digital Asset Management Media Asset Management Studio Operations Agency Operations Production Producer Events Event Manager Marketing Officer Marketing Portfolio Marketing Profile Marketing Qualifications Marketing Research Market Research Marketing Related Marketing Responsibilities Social Media Resume Marketing Technical Skills Marketing Undergraduate Unique Marketing Resume Marketing Visual Resume Digital Marketing Resume Writing Services Copyrwriting Sales Marketing Marketing Resume With Experience Top 10 Marketing Resumes Management Analyst 

Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Perfected Recipe

I love Saffron.

It smells like luxury...

... like the crisp, fruity aroma of new leather as you slide into the car seat and hear it stretch.
... like the tingling sensation you get when you wrap yourself in a fluffy, white Turkish towel after a day of sunbathing.
... like the sound of a water fountain trickling and bouncing off walls in an open, spacious place...
... like the satisfaction you get slipping on a little black dress after a long workout knowing you deserve to look good in it.
... or how deep you find you can breath after a long hot stone massage.

Luxury is that feeling you get when you feel like you should be purring.

Just yesterday I perfected a recipe by adding Saffron to it. Its an opulent, yet light and easy breakfast dish - a taste of aromatic luxury.

You will need:
    • Creme Fraiche
    • Honey (Honey with the honeycomb in it is recommended)
    • Saffron
    • Orange Blossom Water
    • Yogurt (Optional: add plain yogurt if you prefer a thinner consistency)
    • Whole Wheat Pita Bread
    • Walnuts

Its not every day I come across Saffron, seeing as how its one of the most expensive substances in the world, so when I came across this little vial at TJMaxx Homegoods for $7.99, I had to have it!

Using a mortar and pestle, grind the saffron down into a fine powder spice and place into a bowl of creme fraiche.

Add honey. I use a local, raw unfiltered honey from bees pollinating Georgia wildflowers. I think its important to buy local whenever you can -- not only to support the local economy and develop a relationship with food and community, but also to taste a little bit of the land. There's really so much diversity in flavors when they come from different places thanks to various soil types and qualities, agricultural breeds, weather, etc..

Blend the honey, creme fraiche, orange blossom water and saffron together into a yummy batch of heavenly goodness.

Spread over pita bread and top with walnuts. Viola!

Tip: add a bit of bee pollen for a vitamin, mineral and protein booster!

Blue Skies,

Thursday, February 25, 2016

Family Palaces

I wanted to restore old photographs of family members that have gone before me and install palatial backgrounds for them, representing the rooms of heaven they live in now. 

In My Father's house are many dwelling places;
for I go to prepare a place for you.
And when I go and prepare a place for you,
I will come back
and take you to be with me
that you may also be where I am.
And you know the way where I am going.
(John 14:2-4, KJV)

My Great Grandfather, 
The Comptroller General of South Carolina
E.C. "Dusty" Rhodes

I wish I'd known you longer. 

My Grandmother,
Who always wanted to be an actress,
Patricia Todd Rhodes

I am just like you. And even though you never seemed to notice me, 
I always thought you were so beautiful. 

My Father, 
Senior Research Scientist, Intellectual Property
Solvay Pharmaceuticals,
Ronald Eugene Baldwin

I miss you dad. I'm sorry for everything I ever did wrong. 
I wish you knew me now... I've grown up so much since we lost you.
And everytime I touch this picture I cry. 
I know where to come find you in Heaven,
but I also know you will be waiting for me
just like you did at the airport - 
you were the only one who has ever waited for me there
when I came home.

Blue Skies and a Bright, Beautiful Heaven,

Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Lapis Lazuli

And a river went out of Eden to water the garden; and from thence it was parted, and became into four heads. The name of the first is Pison: that is it which compasseth the whole land of Havilah, where there is gold; And the gold of that land is good: there is bdellium and the onyx stone. And the name of the second river is Gihon: the same is it that compasseth the whole land of Ethiopia. And the name of the third river is Hiddekel: that is it which goeth toward the east of Assyria. And the fourth river is Euphrates.
(Genesis 2:10-14 KJV)

In my desire to better understand the history and context of the bible and find that place - this garden between four rivers I'd read about in Genesis - I found the Ancient Semarians.

And they loved lapis lazuli.

The most exotic color of blue -- my favorite color of blue. How I wish I could have seen the beauty of Babylon with my own eyes.

Some of my favorite pieces from Mesopotamian antiquity:

Pictured: The Standard of Ur, depicting life in Mesopotamia from two sides: "The War Side" and "The Peace Side." Shown below: "The Peace Side," illustrating the bounty of the land and a royal banquet in Southern Mesopotamia. Geometric mosaic made of pieces of shell, lapis lazuli, and red limestone set into bitumen.

Pictured: Gold Semarian Bulls Head, attached to a lyre, adorned with a lapis lazuli beard. Used in funeral rituals. Mesopotamian Art, 3500 – 300 B.C.E.

Pictured: The Gate of Ishtar. The Ishtar Gate was the eighth gate to the inner city of Babylon. It was constructed in about 575 BC by order of King Nebuchadnezzar II on the north side of the city. The roof and doors of the gate were of cedar, according to the dedication plaque. The gate was covered in lapis lazuli, a deep-blue semi-precious stone that was revered in antiquity due to its vibrancy and the blue-glazed bricks, a continuation of the lapis lazuli coloring, gave the façade a jewel-like shine.

Modern Art

In 1961, Yves Klein, a french nouveau réalisme artist, set out to create the "most perfect color of blue." Klein worked with a chemist to develop his own particular brand of blue for a monocrhrome abstraction - the use of one color over an entire canvas - a strategy he likened to "an open window to freedom." Made from pure color pigment and a binding medium, it is called International Klein Blue. Klein adopted this hue as a means of evoking the immateriality and boundlessness of his own particular Utopian vision of the world.

Pictured: International Klein Blue, The Most Perfect Blue

BBC Four - The History of Art in Three Colours

By far one of my favorite documentaries. Dr James Fox explores how, in the hands of artists, the colours gold, blue and white have stirred our emotions, changed the way we behave and even altered the course of history. In the episode Blue, he discusses how the discovery of lapis lazuli turned the color blue into an exotic color.  

SPCA Spring Pet Safety Tips

#letlovelive #spca #firsts #illustrator #adobe #petsafety #spring #pets #dogs #cats #adoption #rescue #petadoption #petrescue #supportpca @albrecht center #marketing #ilovemarketing #funandcute

Blue Skies,

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Favorite Modern Rustic Decor

Some very unique modern pieces I already own and/or have been completely obsessing over! I am just so very, very in love with modern rustic decor - this combination of natural woods or plants with high-tech acrylics and aluminums, colorful geometric forms that still have a natural, serene and impeccably organized feel about them, the way sleek, modern looks blend so effortlessly and naturally into textiles, stones, woods, etc. 


#design #decor #modernrustic #moderndesign #moderndecor #geometric #blended #harmony #thingsilove #decoratoratheart

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Samples from A New Client Presentation

The client said, "make it modern, bold and media-rich to keep them entertained and engaged because I'm concerned that this audience has a low attention span." 

I went with it - adding in a lot of variety and change with regard to the style. 

Now I'm really hoping the panache doesn't upstage his speaking... | wringing hands |