Monday, October 26, 2015

How Can I Generate More Leads?

Need to grow your sales and are out of ideas for lead generation? Here's a refresher to get your creative juices going....

  • Purchase marketing lists from demographic data providers. 
  • Use follow-ups/scheduling reminders as an opportunity to upsell.
  • Give advice to others in the comments section and link your website in the response. 
  • Employ good, old fashioned cold-calling.
  • Outsource all of your cold-calling to lead generation companies who take percentages off the top of closed deals. 
  • Start a direct mail campaign – sending marketing pieces out using good, old fashioned snail mail 
  • Setup event-driven direct mail campaigns – sending mailers based on an occurrence such a business filing, a nomination, etc. 
  • Run email marketing campaigns 
  • List your business on Google Businesses/Google Maps with links to your website, etc.
  • Add a lead capture to your website: offer free, value able information and ask them for their email address/contact information prior to providing it. 
  • Run video email marketing campaigns – use video to get your message across in email 
  • Drip email marketing campaigns – a series of emails set to deliver between x number of days, weeks months from each other 
  • Reactivate email marketing after the opt-out period has expired according to CAN-SPAM/Do Not Call laws.
  • Host a fun event and offer free stuff or prizes. 
  • Join your local Chamber of Commerce and build relationships.
  • Work with a professional to polish and refine your sales pitch for maximum impact. 
  • Put back links to your products and services and design a cool board on Pintrest
  • Host a workshop or speak at an event on a related topic with a sales pitch
  • Sponsor an industry-specific event and get a booth
  • Network through business circles with the means to buy your goods/services or make decisions
  • Establish a sophisticated, seamless social media presence 
  • List promo codes and sales on 
  • Get an About Me profile
  • Blog and blog often. Change content frequently to enhance your “social value” with Google. 
  • Develop funny or how-to videos aligned with your product/industry/service – ensure your video pops up first when someone Googles, “How do I…?” 
  • Build relationships with “Super Connectors” or “Socialites” to introduce you to the right people without paying a fee. 
  • Use introduction brokers to get to the decision makers in big business deals for a fee. 
  • Build stylish brochures and one-sheets.
  • Write a whitepaper and have it published. 
  • Bundle discounted goods/services and list them on Groupon (Goods) or other Deal of the Day sites. 
  • Build an Executive Bio and become a featured speaker at industry events.
  • Get mentioned in a magazine/industry journal. 
  • Negotiate and buy print ad space.
  • Negotiate and buy a radio spot. 
  • Have people write positive reviews for your business on Yelp.
  • Offer employee bonuses when people post positive reviews on Yelp, Google, etc.. and mention the employee by name. 
  • Write articles with actual subsistence on LinkedIn.
  • Rebrand and get bigger and better signage. 
  • Write a book and go on a book tour. 
  • Send cards and gifts to clients for the holidays. 
  • Send personalized, handwritten notes to your clients for life events: congratulating them on new babies, marriages, sending sympathy cards, etc.
  • Ask people to spread the word. Make sure other local businesses know who you are and ask them to spread the word. 
  • Offer referral fees or perks for referrals. 
  • Pay a celebrity to mention you, tweet about you or use your hashtag.
  • Set a budget and use Google Ad Words to run a promotional ad campaign. 
  • Blast content that will propagate throughout the web: blast to Reddit, Craigslist, etc. 
  • Stand for a related cause and develop a voice/message related to your company or industry, i.e. Companies specializing in baby products standing for ending the “mom wars.” 
  • Sponsor an event for cross-promotional marketing opportunities – align your brand with strategic partners.
  • More to come... 
Bright Horizons,

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