Tuesday, October 27, 2015

36-Something Homebody Who Hates Exercising Seeks Same

  • A heterosexual male, mid-thirties, mildly depressed with manageable life problems. 
  • A true intellect who is also not pretentious, doesn't brag about what school they went to and who does not reminisce about the glory days of being on the Ivy League Wine-Tasting Team.
  • Someone who is cynical by nature, appreciates dark humor and recoils at positive thinking platitudes and people who pauper success philosophies. 
  • Someone who would rather stay in, have a drink, pet the dog and watch a BBC documentary on China's oppression of the Uighur people rather than go out to a bar -- without thinking that any of that implies that I meant "Netflix and chill." 
  • Someone with a little rust on their silver lining – perhaps a hint of male pattern baldness or a poorly-executed career move, which I personally believe is charming, let alone character building. 
  • Someone who is not a yoga guru, success coach, author, musician or anyone who uses emotionalism and sentimentality to score with women. 
  • Someone with a wide English vocabulary who doesn't ask me what certain "book words" mean. 
  • Bonus points for being British or simply being obsessed with the BBC. 
  • Someone with garden-variety quarks and imperfections that are obvious and visible and are of a tolerable nature (no well-hidden imperfections – you know who you are alcoholics). 
  • Someone who clearly understands why socialism didn't/doesn't/and will never work and has given deep thought to their overall political world view. 
  • Someone who is also religious. None of this "spiritual but not religious" bullshit. Grow up and develop a real world view. 
  • Someone who didn't already "travel the world," but who is also still traveling the world - and who would like to continue traveling the world for the rest of their life, while also staying rooted and grounded in Atlanta, given its very convenient and affordable international airport. 
  • Someone who can actually stand to be alone, who is not afraid of the thoughts in their own head. 
  • Someone who does not root for a college football team for a college they didn't even go to. 
  • ABSOLUTELY NO MARATHON RUNNERS, no men going through a phase that could remotely resemble the early stages of a marathon obsession, no obsessions with biking/triathlons/Iron Men Competition, etc. In fact, I'd prefer someone who hates to exercise. I'd take husky over someone working out their mid-life crises as a marathon junkie.
  • BONUS points for having skills in electrical, HVAC and/or plumbing - or having a truck, a ladder and strong arms that can lift and fix lots of stuff around the house.
  • Must love Jesus.
  • And Dear Lord, please don't be a Democrat. 

That is all. Thanks.

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