Monday, January 4, 2016


Al-Andalus - the land where East met West, where danger and innocence danced and became one through passion. The cactus and the rose - profoundly beautiful, yet so utterly different. 

Together, they created an enlightenment - a brilliant illumination of diverse art and culture in Southern Spain. And then, as history would have it, they destroyed each other, burning 700 years of sacredness to the ground... 

the kind of destruction only love can do.  

Their last words imparted - an unflinching, unfeeling "go to hell!" with nights of lonely tears, never to be known by the other. 

And despite all of that, to this day, they secretly still love each other - wishing they knew the other culture they learned so much about, came to adore, and always thought so breathtakingly beautiful.... 

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