Thursday, January 17, 2013

The Best Networking Event Ever

I really like networking events now. Yep, I just said that. Leverage ATL, hosted by Ted Griffith and his crew of social innovation rockstars, kicked off one of Atlanta's - and yes, I actually mean this when I say this: best networking event I have ever been to. Done.

I am not a fan of networking events. They're typically pretty cold, kinda stale and gotta call it - sometimes pretty crusty. Sound familiar? "Hey! Over here! I don't know what I want in life, but here's a recap of my history and skills - you figure me out. Just please don't ask me about that questionable gap on my resume. But let me prove myself to you in hopes you will need me some how, some way. I need you to need me. Here's my card - call me maybe."

Like all people, I just want to be seen and heard for who I really am, and desperate is not a message I feel good about conveying. So when you find yourself standing in circles surrounded by bright, illuminated people who are listening to your ideas and your passion - placing your skill set in service to your heart - and relating in a way that doesn't feel forced, contrived, or manipulated, guess what? You are now building real relationships. And frankly, real relationships are the only relationships that have ever gotten me anywhere worth going in business.

It also helps when you're relating as peers and making jokes about the bye-gone days of pulling out back-pocket elevator pitches and shoving business cards down people's throats... Tons of laughter at a networking event - who wold have ever thought we'd see the day? I mean, I did, 'cuz I've got that futurist thing going, but right there: that was when I realized, these guys are really onto something.

It made me think: what if all those out-of-work over 60 folks, or the long-term unemployed, or all those newly-graduated, job seekers could experience a more inviting, encouraging, warm, networking atmosphere like this? What if more people asked, "who are you as a person?" before asking, "so what is it you do?" How many less people would go home feeling down about themselves? How many more people would feel like they could get back up from that hard fall and go out there and make that next career happen? How many more people could walk away from a networking event feeling like, even if they didn't get a job, they actually made some real friends along the way - people they could share in the journey with, people who could relate.

No one feeling alone.

All around, it was an vibrant, warm, fun, engaging atmosphere filled with amazing people doing incredible things - and more importantly: we got stuff done. Connections were made breathing more life into aligned visions, collectives were formed, ideas were spread, and new relationships were built. Towards the end of the evening, after the drinks set in, the music got a little louder and haaaay, there was something of a little party-party going down. Woot! Woot! Count me in for the next round - best networking event ever. 

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