Thursday, January 17, 2013

Business Model Generation

I went to go visit my friends over at Jayan Films yesterday - an established, Atlanta-based film company owned and operated by a fabulous all-female leadership team. I've decided that when you have that much creativity and charisma in the room jamming on visions, you've moved from simple "brain storming" sessions to downright "soul storming." Can I get an amen! We pulled out our nets, went butterfly chasing, and caught a few big ones, so next round: we're breaking out the mind maps and the storyboards, after some time spent marinating.

Anyone who knows me knows that I think in models and patterns, so the book Jayan's CEO, Kelly Andrews, lent me was worthy of a little deacon dance. Business Model Generation: A handbook for visionaries, game changers, and challengers in business model innovation. I won't give away too much detail here, but I'm back in my labs, working on a model that changes everything in and around advisory services. Can't wait to gnash on this one and write up a book review. Now to find the time to read; I may have to head off to the Conyers Monastary to get my think on.

Business is cool kids. 

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