Sunday, January 20, 2013

Better Living Through Creativity - Part One

Looking to bring more creative spark into your life? Fantastic! Here's some fun tips and tricks!

#1: Wear hot pink patent leather pumps to business meetings. 

#2: Have a glass of wine with city views while working late.

#3: Make sure you have at least one comedian in your entertainment circle. 

#4: Have interior designer girlfriends who help you rock the Ikea.

#5: Make sure you live near the best graffiti artists. 

#6: Run production on all the leadership and innovation conferences you want to attend. 

#7: Send inspirational notes to your coworkers and besties.

#8: Have coffee meetings in nature by the river. 

#9: Color your hair hot tamale red. 

#10: Have friends with pink hair.

#11: Raise some heck with the monks down at the monastery. 

#12: Make sure your girlfriends have creatively compatible kicks. 

#13: Cook amazing meals with fresh local-grown produce from Dekalb Farmer's Market. 


Remember that its none of your business 
what other people think about you. 

You are a ruby.

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