Saturday, May 9, 2015

Beauty Secret: Potent Vitamin C Serum

When I was a teenager, I had to see an aesthetician for acne. During that time, I remember thumbing through some product literature and coming across a study on Vitamin C and its ability to reverse the signs of aging. The product information showed an aboriginal man who had been treated with this pure Vitamin C concoction and the before and after pictures offered evidence that it could definitely reduce wrinkles and hyper pigmentation.

The results, as they were depicted in the aesthetician's literature were dramatic. So it always stuck with me - knowing that Vitamin C had the potential to reduce the signs of aging.

I think most women know that Vitamin C has this capability, but what I don't think most people know (and I certainly wasn't aware of it up until a few years ago) is that Vitamin C is highly unstable and therefore, its difficult to actually deliver into the dermis at an optimum dosage from products you get over the counter. What that means is that all of those products labeled as containing Vitamin C that have been sitting on store shelves for any length of time - the Vitamin C content is not effective at all.

I did some research on the problem of Vitamin C's degradation and came up with an organic way to create a highly potent Vitamin C serum that would be potent and active enough to actually work. The catch is that you have to mix it in weekly batches as it only remains effective for 3-5 days at a time. You will also need to buy a dark/shaded eye dropper to keep the serum away from light and store it in a cool, dry place. Here's how to get started:

Buy a dark eye dropper with a small funnel, a bottle of pure rose water, a small bottle of vegetable glycerine, and dry, powdered Camu Camu capsules. Camu Camu is a cherry-like fruit from a tree in the Amazon and contains the highest content of Vitamin C found in any fruit on earth and is 40-50% higher in Vitamin C than an orange. You can order all of these ingredients on Amazon or at your local International Farmer's Market.

Note: you don't have to use the rose water in this recipe, but I use rose water for everything (face washes, etc) because it has natural antiseptic properties.

Mix 1/2 a teaspoon rose water, 1/2 teaspoon vegetable glycerine into a small glass dish. Open 1 Camu Camu capsule and mix in the powder. Wisk briskly and pour the mixture into the dropper using the funnel.  

Voila! You now have a highly potent Vitamin C serum that's all organic that you can apply to your forehead, under eye area, and decolate. Because the glycerine gives it a moisturizing effect, its best in my opinion to use in the evening before you go to bed.

Again, this serum is not effective after 3-5 days, so please remember to create a new batch!

Also, be sure to drop me a line and let me know what you think! Did it brighten your skin? Soften some of the crows feet? I'd love to hear what you think!

Blue Skies,

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