Friday, May 15, 2015

Documentary - "It's a Girl"

It's my dream to be able to adopt two girls from overseas one day. I never thought I'd be the kind of person to to say something like that, but God planted that seed in my heart a little over two years ago.

I'm of course not ready now, but one day I will be - I'm hoping that will be some where around age 2017/2018, when I've accomplished the rest of what I want to do with my education.

I spent an entire Sunday with tear-filled eyes after watching "It's a Girl" - a documentary highlighting the systematic elimination, abandonment and outright murder of innocent baby girls - simply because they were born "the wrong sex."

Warning: this documentary is very hard to watch, but its a very, very important one:

Unwanted, thrown out, cast aside... because they were girls. How can you even wrap your head around this? How can knowing this not haunt you?

Human lives are not dispensable. Human lives are sacred.

Cultures and institutions that devalue the lives of women and girls - the soft, bright, empathetic, life-giving forces of the world - are examples of absolute and utter depravity in a fallen world. There aren't even enough words to say how incredibly horrific this is - that we live at the hight of civilization in 2015 and this is still happening.

Its my hope that more people, including couples, singles, gay, lesbian, etc. - whoever you might be - will consider overseas adoption of girls through this film.

This has been one of the greatest tragedies throughout all of history for far too long and it must end.

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